Author: staff

An audit at the State Forests National Forest Holding has been ongoing since January. During the investigation, a number of irregularities were revealed, which resulted in the waste of millions of zlotys. The findings became the basis for decisive actions by the current management of the State Forests. Starting the audit was one of the first decisions of the current director general of the State Forests, Witold Koss. The inspection started in the general directorate and is currently carried out at all organizational levels, in regional directorates and forest districts, as well as in national plants. A number of…

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The Agricultural and Food Quality Inspectorate in Lublin imposed a record fine of PLN 1.5 million on an importer who introduced adulterated articles to the Polish market. agri-food from Ukraine. This concerns technical rapeseed and feed wheat. Przemysław Rzodkiewicz and Stefan Krajewski announced this during a joint press conference. The decision is not final. – GIJARS carries out inspections of agri-food products. Due to recent events, strikes at the borders, conversations with farmers who pointed out that there is a lack of control, today we would like to tell you what we have managed to do in recent months, because…

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Approx. PLN 290 million will be paid to farmers from the special purpose reserve of the state budget as a refund of part of the agricultural tax for 2024. The Ministry of Agriculture announced on April 4 this year a draft act on the refund of part of the agricultural tax for 2024 for consultation. The proposed regulations are a response to one of the demands of farmers protesting since the beginning of this year. What is this agricultural tax about? According to current regulations, agricultural tax for the tax year is: from 1 conversion ha of land with…

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Gdynia, thanks to its location, has played a key role in the Polish transport sector for years. It is therefore not surprising that the issue of the tender for the lease of the Grain Terminal has recently become an extremely hot topic. Experts emphasize that a well-functioning grain terminal will not only raise the city’s profile as a strategic logistics hub in the region, but above all will bring tangible benefits to farmers who, in the face of a constant increase in grain production in the country, as well as the inflow of goods from neighboring countries, will gain better…

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Corn subsidies – over PLN 670 million has already gone to nearly 161,000. farmers. Maize subsidies are being paid. By April 4, nearly 161,000. farmers received over PLN 670 million. The call for applications was carried out from February 22 to 29, 2024, and over 172,000 applications were submitted. Since the resulting amount did not exceed the limit (PLN 1 billion), there will be no correction factor. Help for whom? This financial assistance was addressed to corn farmers at risk of losing financial liquidity due to restrictions on the agricultural market caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation against…

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According to a new study published in the journal Science, promoting crop and livestock diversity and soil conservation strategies provides important social and environmental benefits. The findings by researchers at Denmark’s University of Copenhagen suggest that well-designed policies to incentivize the adoption of multiple diversification strategies could mitigate some of the effects of “simplified” agriculture. The researchers state that simplified agriculture, which they define as intensively managed monocultures, have negative effects on biodiversity and pollution. The study titled, Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture, states, “Our interdisciplinary analysis spanning a wide array of regions provides convincing evidence that…

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Saying growers need reliable access to essential farming tools, the National Corn Growers Association President Harold Wolle warned the U.S. International Trade Commission today of the consequences for America’s farmers if the agency grants a petition to levy tariffs on imported 2,4-D. This often-used herbicide has been on the market for decades. “The scenario under consideration has the potential to limit imports of an important product, raise its price, and create a supply shortage, all while raising the cost of production in an already tight market,” Wolle said. “Farmers are price takers, not makers in selling our commodities, and closely…

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NSZZ Solidarity of Individual Farmers has ended the sit-in strike at the Ministry of Agriculture, but the protests are not ending, the union’s chairman, Tomasz Obszański, announced on Thursday. He said that farmers received information that Prime Minister Donald Tusk would meet with them next week. We have ended the sit-in protest. Protests will continue on the streets and in cities. The protest action will continue,” Obszański said during a press conference in front of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development building. He also announced “a large protest of workers’ Solidarity and agricultural Solidarity and all unions that…

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We want to allocate approximately PLN 2 billion to purchasing excess grain from the market, said Stefan Krajewski, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development on Thursday. He added that the subsidies are to be paid by the end of May this year. The deputy head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development told journalists that the ministry is working on draft regulations that are intended to implement the demands of protesting farmers. “The projects already exist, they must go through their own procedural path, but we want to introduce them as soon as possible,” he pointed out. He…

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The meeting with Deputy Minister Michał Kołodziejczak in Konin, promised to farmers today, was canceled, and finding his parliamentary office caused difficulties for the protesters. The angry farmers promise that since the mountain did not come to Muhammad, Muhammad will come to the mountain… Where is the office?! The form of agricultural protests has changed. On April 4, instead of blocking the roads, farmers moved to the offices of MPs and senators. This also happened in Konin. This is an important place because Michał Kołodziejczak ran in the parliamentary elections from district 37, covering Konin and the surrounding counties, as…

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