In the old days, astrology and astronomy were one. That which we call signs and constellations have long been used to mark patterns in the sky so as to predict weather and determine planting and harvest schedules.

Many traditional farmers still consult the almanac for such advice, while others consider the modern astrological signs to be more of a hobby — or even frivolous nonsense.

So, in a lighthearted and fun-spirited way, we consulted our own AGDAILY astrologers for a breakdown of what to expect this season for each farmer according to their Zodiac sun sign. This exercise is meant for fun, although if you want to take this horoscope to your local ag lender to use as collateral … well, you might be as wet behind the ears as a Pisces.

Illustration by Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
An old goat at heart, your conservative ways may finally pay off this year as economists are calling for lower commodities prices in 2024. No kidding, this would be a good year to avoid butting heads with your banker and try to control those input costs best you can.

Illustration by Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
As the water-bearer of the Zodiac, your services may be in high demand as drought conditions worsen throughout the west and southwest. Take advantage of the historic rise in the inflationary costs of other inputs and charge as much as you can for the irrigation.

Illustration by Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
It may strike you as a bit fishy, but diversifying your existing agriculture production to include aquaculture might be right up your alley this year. Fish has long been hailed as a terrific health food, and you might be able to turn one of your ponds into a pool of profits this year.

Illustration by Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
This is a good quarter to ramp up the efforts in your livestock operation. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the country has experienced a 2 percent decline in total sheep population and wool production. Where there’s a shortage, there’s sure to be an opportunity in terms of production.

Illustration by Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
This season you should be worth your weight in gold, no bull about it. With U.S. cattle herds still at the lowest levels they’ve been since the 1970s, your beefy assets will remain a hotly traded commodity all year again.

Illustration by Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Try to avoid personal gossip this season even though it’s an election year. Remember, too much time chatting online via social media apps will distract you getting the chores done. With the upswing in farmland values, cash rents jumped to an average of $307 per acre in 2023. If you’re going to spend time talking, talk to your neighbors and try to get some more land into production.

Illustration by Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Yes, net farm income is expected to fall a bit this year after record highs in 2022, but don’t spend the whole year being crabby. You’ve always been a hearth-and-home kind of farmer, so this would be a great time to renovate the place and paint the barn. You may think you don’t have time for such extravagances but remember how important your own peace of mind is, not to mention the value of your farmland as an asset. Cash flow does ebb and flow, but they’re not inventing more ground any time soon so take care of what you have.

Illustration by Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock

Leo (July 23 – August 22)
You should have plenty to roar about by the end of summer with all the hard work you’re putting in this spring. Commodity prices might trend a bit lower this year, but production should be strong again. Consider taking pride in the bushels-per-acre angle as opposed to price per bushel this year and you might feel better about yourself without “lion” too much.

Illustration by Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Don’t be too self-critical this year as you consider the impact of inflation on your pricing. Yes, it seems like everything is going up but the price of your grain, but fear not, all of your careful analysis is about to pay off in the next month or two. Don’t be afraid to get a little dirty this fall as cut costs by doing more work yourself instead of hiring it out.

Illustration by Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock

Libra (September 23 – October 22)
From the time you were born, the harvest has hanged in the balance on your birthday, so you’re used to seeing the scales tip either way. Remember that for every up there is a down, and at the end of the season, justice is just part of a much larger picture painted by Norman Rockwell.

Illustration by Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Don’t let old grudges come back to bite you in the tail this season. Open up a bit out of your shell and try to rekindle some old partnerships that might have gone by the wayside. Whether due to financial mistakes, or perhaps a verbal spat, connectionism will be key to your success this year.

Illustration by Vasya Kobelev, Shutterstock

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
This season will be one where you can’t afford too much horsing around. Make sure you let your head be in charge of your hindquarters and get to work in this spring. If high costs kicked you in the tail last year, see what you can do to rein those in this year, as harvest prices might not be there to save the day.

Brian Boyce is an award-winning writer living on a farm in west-central Indiana.


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