The Spanish government announced on Friday the payment of EUR 9.1 million in aid to farmers, in particular cattle and pig breeders.

In a justification for the decision, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Policy explained that the extraordinary payment is to “compensate” Spanish farmers for the difficulties that occurred as a result of drought and Russia’s war against Ukraine.

The ministry estimates that over 1.4 thousand people will benefit from the funds paid by the end of April. farmers from all regions of the country.

According to the ministry, further payments of “extraordinary funds” are expected in the coming months to improve the situation of farm owners in Spain.

Friday’s announcement on aid for breeders coincides with farmers’ protests that have been ongoing in Spain since February, demanding from the government, among other things, support in the face of the market being flooded with agricultural produce from outside the EU and increasing expenditure on field irrigation.

On Friday, the agricultural organization Unio de Pagesos organized a protest in Catalonia, northeastern Spain, demanding “extraordinary assistance” in the irrigation of agricultural areas.

Spanish farmers, who have carried out numerous blockades of roads and sea ports since February, oppose the government’s agricultural policy, which in their opinion is too passive, as well as the actions of the European Commission. They claim that the EU authorities are harming European agriculture by implementing the so-called Green Deal, which is to enable the EU to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. These changes include, among others: on reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers.


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