Agriculture is a specific industry because the weather pattern is of key importance to us. It is not only a matter of whether you need to put on a jacket or take an umbrella from home, but often literally to be or not to be for crops. The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management has prepared an experimental weather forecast for the coming months. What can we learn from it?

The forecast below is interesting and experimental because it does not contain specific values. You will not find here the temperature in degrees Celsius or the sum of precipitation in millimeters, but it consists of references to the long-term norm from 1991-2020. When providing the limit values, we omitted weather stations located in the mountains, because, for example, the temperature on Kasprowy Wierch has nothing to do with the agricultural areas we are interested in, located much lower.

The long-term forecast is indicative only

According to IMWM, it should be remembered that the forecast is indicative, experimental in nature and concerns the average course for the entire forecast region and a given forecast period. The forecast average temperature refers to the average temperature of the entire month, to the temperature recorded both during the day and at night, while the forecast rainfall refers to the sum of rainfall for all days in the month. The type of precipitation is not specified in the forecasts.

Weather forecast May 2024

Throughout Poland, both the average monthly air temperature and the monthly total precipitation should be within the range of the long-term norm from 1991-2020. The average temperature in May from the long-term standard ranges from 11.2°C in Ustka and Łeba to 14.3°C in Warsaw and Wrocław. In turn, the monthly rainfall ranges from 43.8 mm in Ustka to 128.7 mm in Bielsko-Biała.

Weather forecast June 2024

Throughout the country, the average monthly air temperature will most likely be above the long-term norm from 1991-2020. The monthly amount of precipitation should be within the long-term norm. The average temperature in June from the long-term norm ranges from 15.0°C in Łeba to 14.3°C in Warsaw and Wrocław. In turn, the monthly rainfall ranges from 50.5 mm in Słubice to 121.6 mm in Bielsko-Biała.

Weather forecast July 2024

Throughout Poland, the average monthly air temperature should be above the long-term norm from 1991-2020. The monthly rainfall total will most likely be within the long-term norm. The average temperature in July from the long-term norm ranges from 17.5°C in Łeba to 17.9°C in Warsaw, Wrocław and Opole. In turn, the monthly rainfall ranges from 71.0 mm in Siedlce to 143.2 mm in Bielsko-Biała.

Weather forecast August 2024

Throughout Poland, the average monthly air temperature should be above the long-term norm from 1991-2020. The monthly rainfall total will most likely be within the long-term norm. The average temperature in August from the long-term standard ranges from 17.4°C in Suwałki to 19.4°C in Opole. In turn, the monthly rainfall ranges from 51.5 mm in Wieluń to 92.0 mm in Bielsko-Biała.

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