Even though fuels have become cheaper in refineries in recent days, they are becoming more expensive at gas stations – inform e-petrol.pl analysts. Next week, retail Pb95 petrol may cost PLN 6.60-6.71/l, and drivers will refuel diesel at PLN 6.64-6.75; LPG may become cheaper – they say.

In the period between April 15 and 21, 2024, 98-octane gasoline at Polish stations will cost between PLN 7.24 and 7.35/l. In the case of Pb95 gasoline, the price range at most stations is PLN 6.60-6.71/l. In turn, in the case of diesel oil, we predict prices at PLN 6.64-6.75 – e-petrol.pl analysts forecast on Friday. – In their opinion, changes in autogas prices will also be minor – next week they will amount to PLN 2.83-2.90/l.

Analysts reminded that gasoline prices have increased significantly this week on the Polish market.

Such changes are possible in the coming days, and there is more and more talk on the international market about factors that could increase oil prices. This will probably have no impact on fuels in our country, they said.

They added that in the case of Polish stations, the only fuel that has become cheaper is autogas, which costs on average PLN 2.87/l.

This is also the only fuel for which further declines can be expected in the coming week – they predict.

They pointed out that in recent days all fuels have been marked down in Polish refineries; indicated that wholesale Pb98 petrol costs PLN 88 less than last weekend and is sold at PLN 5,766/cubic m.

In the case of 95-octane gasoline, its current price is PLN 5,264/cubic m. is PLN 54 lower than on Saturday. During the period in question, diesel oil became cheaper by PLN 142 and costs PLN 5,224/m3 – passed.

They noted that for heating oil the discount amounted to almost PLN 106 per cubic meter, and today’s price of this fuel is PLN 4,251 per cubic meter.

The conflict in the Belarusian East affects the price of oil

e-petrol.pl experts pointed out that the risk of an extension of the conflict in the Middle East is reflected in the price of oil, which is already above USD 90. per barrel.

Key in this context is the statement of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that, as a consequence of the attack on the Iranian diplomatic mission in Damascus, Israel “must be punished and it will happen,” they said.

They added that it is not known what the scale of the response of the authorities in Tehran may be, but observers of the conflict suggest the possibility of it “spreading” into the region, which – as they said – would certainly “increase the risk premium in oil prices.”

Although Iran is excluded from trade with many countries due to sanctions, its importance in the global oil supply balance and the position of a local “strong player” are significant and may have a significant impact on the further nature of the Middle East conflict, analysts noted.

In their opinion, higher prices may result not only from political and military tensions, but also from improved global demand. Analysts recalled that the US Department of Energy (EIA) revised the forecast for Brent crude oil from USD 87 to per barrel last month to $88.55. this month.

Higher demand – as they added – may increase the production of American crude oil, which will increase by 280,000. to the level of 13.21 million barrels per day in 2024, and in 2025 by another 510 thousand. barrels per day, to 13.72 million barrels per day.


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